Saturday, March 28, 2009

Harrison's Manual of Medicine

Harrison's Manual of Medicine - Medical Books CornerHarrison's Manual of Medicine is an excellent medical resource for those questions that need quick, consise answers. The chapters for Harrison's Principles of Internal medicine are neatly summarized into quick-reading two or three page summaries, with many helpful charts and management tips. Depth and underlying pathophysiology is not well covered, but that's what the big book (Principles) is for. This internal medicine book can be helpful for medical students to review medicine before exams or rotations. However, Harrison's Manual of Medicine new edition is much better than previous ones. At least it has more algorithms. Also, stay away from PDA version. It is even more stripped down! The only complaint from some medical books corner customers, the medical book is about 5"x8", which doesn't fit into coat pocket. The companion to the 14th edition (4"x6") is virtually identical in information, and fits in pocket.

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