Friday, December 19, 2008

Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference

Medical Books Corner - Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference
Right from the book's size and weight to the complete and easy to read information, this medical book is done just right. It even comes with a waterproof cover to prevent the book from being easily damaged. This medical books includes basic stuff like blood test and urinalysis to more advanced stuff including arthroscopy and mediastinoscopy. This medical book has it all. For each entry you get: type of test, normal findings (includes values), test explanation and related physiology, interfering factors, procedure and patient care, abnormal findings (lists the diseases that must be suspected); and in the cases that apply gives contraindications, and home care considerations. This medical book has your basic index, plus a list of tests by type (eg. urine tests) and another list of tests by body system (eg. nervous system). All in all, the decision is a no-brainer, Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference is a must for any medical student or physician. Highly recommended!

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