Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Step-Up to Medicine

Step-Up to Medicine
This medical book is a primary review tool to prepare medical students for both the internal medicine clerkship and the end-rotation NBME shelf examination. This logical alternative to several limited-focus books blends a bullet-outline format students prefer in a review book with comprehensive paragraphs, as needed, for optimal preparation. Illustrations, charts, tables, graphs, mnemonics, and "Quick Hits" pearls for the clerkship speed and supplement learning. Ample content without superfluous detail enables medical students to readily evaluate and expand their knowledge of cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, hematology, neurology, endocrinology, rheumatology, nephrology, genitourinary disorders, fluids and electrolytes, dermatology, and musculoskeletal problems. A new section in this Second Edition presents 100 USMLE-style clinical vignette-based questions with answers. A color insert contains over thirty full-color images. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and color photographs.

Step-Up to Medicine is a really good medical book. It has great coverage of difficult topics, a sign of a good book. It's very complete and easy to read. The weakness of this medical book is the clinical vignettes which don't particularly challenging. But the rest of the book is outstanding and Step-Up to Medicine is ideal for a third year medical student to use this during the medicine clerkship. But you need another question book to supplement because again, no questions in this medical book. Overall, Step-Up to Medicine is highly recommended medical book and Step-Up to Medicine much better than other reviews books out there like NMS, Blueprints or First Aid.

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