Saturday, August 9, 2008

Healing Skin Disorders: Natural Treatments for Dermatological Conditions

Healing Skin Disorders: Natural Treatments for Dermatological Conditions

Healing Skin Disorders: Natural Treatments for Dermatological Conditions is published by North Atlantic Books on August 12, 2003. This medical book containts 200 pages.
Gaeddert's approach to healing combines dermatological diagnosis with essential fatty acids, diet, supplements, and herbs. This medical book features suggestions for promoting overall skin health, case studies, self-care strategies, and professional treatments presented in an accessible A-to-Z format. Also included are a workbook, a question and answer section, a description of acupuncture points, and a range of resources. Chapters include such topics as tips for health, skin, herbs and nutrients, symptoms and treatments, acupoints, and digestive clearing diet.

Consumer text focuses on herbal, nutritional, and lifestyle approaches to treating skin disorders, many drawn from Chinese medicine. Chapters include such topics as tips for health, skin, skin herbs and nutrients, symptoms and treatments, skin acupoints, and digestive clearing diet. This medical book is softcovered.

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