Monday, July 28, 2008

Anatomy of Movement

Anatomy of Movement

Patrick D Goonan said that The Anatomy of Movement is a well-written and organized book that is targeted to athletes, dancers and others who need to understand physical structures and their functional relationships to movement.

The book has very clear and detailed line drawings that are easy to understand and convert to three dimensional visualizations. They are also presented logically and without a lot of jargon or superfluous detail.

The book is organized by regions of the body and it does a excellent job of covering all areas. There is also a good balance between diagrams and text.

Patrick D Goonan was a biology major as an undergraduate and a teaching fellow in Physiology. Patrick D Goonan also took comprehensive anatomy at the doctoral level and he found this to be just enough detail for people who are athletes. There are more comprehensive anatomy books out there, but if you want to learn the essentials painlessly, this is your best anatomy of movement book.

Another good book with a different focus is the Anatomy of Yoga by McCall. This includes yoga specific information and more text relating to movement. I regard the book I'm reviewing and the Yoga Anatomy as supplementary. Also read Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy to learn more about human anatomy.

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